The experts of CAC remain at your side to assist you with their Corporate Consultancy Services Delhi in the implementation of any tax optimization strategy, advice, tax control, and tax litigation. The firm supports managers of companies of all sizes to redefine their tax strategy in complete transparency and security.
Often, as in all areas of everyday life, even in the consultancy sector there is a tendency to confuse and not understand the difference between tax advice and tax consultancy. For many, these two terms are synonyms, but not really.
Although the two subjects tend to overlap each other, it is necessary to know the differences to understand which professional figure to rely on.
Difference between tax consultancy and tax advice
The difference between tax and tax advice is substantial and non-formal. However, the former is confused with the latter, but both are an integral part of the other.
Broadly speaking, before going into detail, we can consider tax consultancy as that activity in which an entrepreneur is followed and advised to make operational choices based on the activity he carries out and the operation to be concluded.
Going into more detail, tax consultancy is the activity that is addressed to companies, which can be companies (in person or capital) and sole proprietorships, or to entrepreneurs, to aid relating to tax issues.
More precisely, tax advice refers to all those operations that guide the entrepreneur and the company not to have to pay half of the profit produced during the year in taxes.
And how can all this be achieved?
The operations and tools to achieve this are many. Let’s think, for example, of mergers, spin-offs of the company, or transformation of the current company into another legal form.
Or again, change the current corporate organization chart and be able to benefit from certain tax planning tools. In short, everything is related to corporate taxation.
We could also mention other operations, but all with a single purpose: to satisfy the needs of the entrepreneur.
The tax advice is given to the issue of direct and indirect taxation in the strict sense and all its practices. It makes more reference to those that are bureaucratic formalities to be faced annually.
Furthermore, tax consultancy also deals with those matters of a purely legal nature inherent in certain situations created against a taxpayer (tax bills, administrative stops, assessments).
Considering what has been said so far although they overlap with each other, the difference between tax consultancy and tax advice exists. And it must not be underestimated.
They are not the same, but both are necessary for the entrepreneur: both in the start-up phase and after. But it is precisely after the birth of the company that the company itself needs that figure that allows it not to have to pay the profits produced in taxes.
The figure in question is the Tax Firm in Delhi, a solution that provides 360 ° assistance to any type of business with the sole purpose: to pay the least possible taxes and to make the business flourish and grow.