The compliance department of a company must be in contact with all operational departments to support them in the implementation of regulatory projects and to verify that the solutions deployed in the field do not present major risks for the company.
Knowledge of the field and operational reality is the raw material for a compliance department. It is from this that the work of filtering and sorting is performed to identify among all the elements, those which present risks serious enough to attract attention.
Main areas of compliance
Formation of corporate ethics. Work in this area of activity involves the creation of a set of rules of conduct for employees. Such a document should cover all areas of the organization. Other documents are called upon to regulate in more detail the ethical standards of conduct within the company.
Prevention of cases of money laundering. In developed countries, this is a common practice. Such work is carried out based on international norms and recommendations. The aim is to counteract the flow of funds acquired by criminal means into the legal sector of the economy.
Anti-corruption. Within the framework of such work, it is important to understand and separate the concepts of “gift” and “bribe”.
In large Western companies, a top manager may have serious problems, even if during negotiations he accepts an ordinary pen as a gift from partners. This area of compliance activity is very extensive and is of great importance for the company.
Prevention of violations of ethical standards by employees. This area of work involves the introduction of the practice of informing about cases of disregard for moral and ethical norms among employees. Also, during such activity, the procedure, and methods for conducting internal investigations and fixing violations are regulated.
Building productive relationships with supervisors. Of course, if the company observes all the norms established by law, it is unlikely to face sanctions from government agencies. However, there are cases when, despite the transparency of activities, the company still faces certain problems. Therefore, such work deserves close attention.
Privacy Policy. As a result of activities in this area, a culture of work with the personal data of clients is formed. This implies the non-disclosure of information by employees for personal purposes, as well as the effectiveness of interaction with customers, as well as the processing of incoming complaints.
Separation of information within the company. Such activities are aimed, first of all, at preserving commercial secrets. It is also designed to prevent possible fraudulent actions on the part of employees who own classified inside information. It is important to provide different specialists and departments with only the information that they need for their work, and nothing superfluous. This compliance line is mandatorily implemented abroad in any financial organization.
Generally, a business owner finds learning about this vast range of issues covered in compliance confusing and complicated. Not being able to understand this makes them ignore this issue and this can expose his company to legal punishments and fines. Delegating this work to compliance outsourcing companies can protect a company comprehensively. If you are in search of a compliance service provider, then we recommend you visit and get in touch with CAC’s experienced team.