As tax authorities tighten control over the financial flows of enterprises, each business needs to follow all the rules and regulations regarding the tax carefully. As practice shows, a significant proportion of inspections end with additional tax charges and fines. So, to avoid being charged unnecessarily, you must turn to tax firms in Delhi beforehand.
To prevent unexpected claims from the tax service from catching the company by surprise, tax firms in Delhi offer a comprehensive tax risk analysis service. This is a “rehearsal” of a tax audit, which will be conducted by specialists with experience in the tax authorities.
Analysis of tax risks from tax firms in Delhi provides:
- Identification and management of tax risks;
- Study of the financial activities of the company “through the eyes of an inspector”;
- Checking the reliability of counterparties;
- Exclusion of claims regarding unjustified tax benefits;
- Elimination of claims regarding the splitting of the business;
- Formation of recommendations to reduce tax risks;
Consulting support on tax issues.
Tax firms in Delhi will conduct a financial analysis of the company from the position of the tax inspectorate, assess the likelihood of tax risks, and minimize the possibility of claims from the inspectors. The high quality of the services provided is guaranteed by the relevant experience of experts in the tax service.
Tax firms in Delhi will provide your business with prompt expert support in case of tax audits and provide reliable insurance against unwanted consequences.
How to choose a tax advisor for your business?
The tax advisor can work for a wealth management company, for an accounting firm, or on his account. Whichever expert you choose, there are some criteria you should check:
- His training
- His experience: it makes more sense to call on an experienced tax advisor.
- His accreditations: he must have all the accreditations.
- His proactivity and availability: your advisor must be easy to reach. He must be proactive to allow your business to take advantage of the opportunities that arise.
So, a tax advisor is important for your business. If you don’t have one yet, now is the time to appeal.
Tax consultants themselves are those who help you who find difficulties in managing taxes. The tax consultant himself understands better about audit procedures and anticipates errors that will occur. This tax consultant will also make tax reports and complete your corporate tax reporting.
Duties and Responsibilities of Tax Consultants
In his work, a tax consultant is generally paid at a rate that is not cheap. So, they will do the job in earnest. In their role, they should comply with tax-related matters imposed on clients.
The tax consultant will also help to calculate the client’s tax, payment of taxes, to the tax reporting. On the other hand, a tax consultant will also help services for you to reduce the amount of tax that must be borne. Evaluation of related data if there is an unfavorable tax. Because this will be the duty and obligation of a tax consultant.