Internal audit is understood as a control system, acting in the interests of its management and (or) owners. Internal audit companies in India help an organization achieve its goals by using a systematic and consistent approach to assessing and improving the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance systems.
It is worth noting that the organization, goals, role, and functions of internal audit are determined by the management and (or) the owner of the economic entity, depending on the organizational and legal form and the existing management system, the content and specifics of activities, the volume of financial and economic activities and the state of internal control.
The objectives of organizing the internal control system at the enterprise are:
- Implementation of orderly and efficient activities of the enterprise, including profitability and protection from losses;
- Ensuring compliance with the management policy of each employee of the enterprise;
- Ensuring the safety of property;
- Maintaining good relationships with regulatory authorities.
To achieve the above goals of organizing the internal control system, it is necessary to perform the following tasks:
- Periodic monitoring of the financial and economic activities of the parent organization and its branches;
- Analysis of economic and financial activities and assessment of economic and investment projects,
- Ensure that the computer programs that control the functioning of the accounting system, including the formation of primary documents, their analysis, and posting to accounts, cannot be falsified;
- Enterprise funds should not be misappropriated or ineffectively used;
- Internal reporting should be promptly transferred to persons authorized to make management decisions for its optimal use;
Often, organizations conduct internal audits only because the standards require it. Thus, internal audit loses its value, acquiring the character of a kind of ritual.
Audits conducted in this way not only fail to meet the specific requirements but also fail to provide room for the necessary improvements.
So rather than considering internal audit as an obligation, you as a company or business owner should use it as a tool. By turning to internal audit firms in India, you can utilize every benefit that internal audits provide.
The experts in this field can help you by conducting an internal audit of your company and confirming that:
- Activities are carried out under the developed plan;
- The system meets the requirements of the standard;
- The organization has ensured effective implementation of the system, which in turn corresponds to its goals and objectives;
- Corrective actions have been developed concerning the identified inconsistencies
The system of conducting an internal audit is designed to thoroughly know both the general legislation governing economic activities and the internal documents of the enterprise that make up its economic regulatory framework, as well as production technology. For the proper performance of the internal audit’s role, the internal audit companies report directly to the management of the enterprise. It can be said that internal audit permeates all the activities of the enterprise – from the production team, site, and workshop to its activities.